It is a very broad perspective to talk about problems within the framework of public space in today's #Turkey.
It is a very broad perspective to talk about problems within the framework of public space in today's Turkey. There are many provinces and districts in Turkey and each one has its own problems. To identify a problem, we must dive to the root of the problem. It is possible for us to analyze public space problems in most crowded and unplanned cities. One of the most important things to consider when talking about the public space is the identity of the community. Together with the concept of public, we should be able to comprehend and evaluate the difference between place and space. We can say that every place has its own dynamic. Among most of the criteria that make up the dynamic in this essay; We will examine the problems of public space in the field of society, urban conditions, and decision mechanisms, especially in İstanbul.
Generally, it is possible to say that the concept of "space" can be shaped by the society living around it and can change over time. That is why architects need to have the ability to think from multiple angles when designing a space. Architects have to evaluate the space thoroughly. The social and historical accumulation of the field should not be ignored. The interpretation of "place" also includes ethnic origins and cultural differences living in the area. When trying to understand the concept of "place" it will be insufficient to analyze only the physical. "Place" is where people create their own sense of belonging. “Place” is a thing where people give meaning to their experiences and establish various relationships. When analyzing a "place" it would be too superficial to analyze only easily perceivable data. Performing “place” analysis also includes function analysis, action analysis of individuals, ethnic-cultural and traditional structure. "Space" is a more hollow concept. People are those who turn space into "place". When we talk about "space", we do not say that it has a soul, it is a more superficial concept. He tries to build on Heidegger's concepts of "dasein" - the ways / ways of humans being / existing in the world - and "dwelling" - dwelling. For this reason, he argues that the place is not dead like "position" but has an experiential quality and represents a way of taking root for human existence and experience. Relph feeds on phenomenology at this point: "The only way man can become human is to be on the ground / in the ground." As we can understand from here; "Place" is a concept that we add and own from ourselves.
Cities can be examined under various headings. “Lynch (1981) states that there are 5 main criteria and plus two criteria that a city should have for a good urban form. These are: vitality, sense, fit, access, control and efficiency and justice criteria as plus features. " Although these criteria are all related to the evaluation of the urban phenomenon, they have a great impact on us humans. Nevertheless, we engrave an area in our memory according to the memories we lived there. Therefore, while designing, it considers the memory potential of an area in our memory.
First of all, as we know, public spaces are places where people living in that area can do various activities. Public spaces are open to everyone, although they generally target people living in the surrounding area. Parks, gardens, roads, squares are considered as public spaces and should be designed accordingly. Although we know that professions such as architects and city planners shape public spaces, it is the people themselves that shape the public space. The power here is the people. As we learned from Habermas's writings, areas that can be created by the public, in other words, are the areas for the public. So, you can run into a big problem when you do not give the public space to create for their own activities. it is a situation that we can often observe in busy parts of cities; Tired people use places that are not designed for sitting, finding different solutions for a child who has too many toilets because there is no toilet, people gathering under trees because no shaded area is designed... “There is a significant potential for open-air uses in Istanbul. Having four seasons and a mild climate, various outdoors activities are possible for most of the year. Open public spaces, public squares, both shores of Bosporus and street markets are used by citizens extensively. It is striking, however, that any of major public spaces are neither designed nor planned.” (Ipek YUREKLI, December 2010)
Secondly, “Overall definitive characteristics of Istanbul are also applicable to its poorly organized open public spaces, in particular for its public squares used around the clock by a large number of people. In a metropolis like Istanbul, public squares generally have a multi-layered characteristic, with a multiplicity of phenomena overlapping continuously. Taksim, Kadıköy, Eminönü, Beyazıt are such places. Taksim for example, is a center of culture, art, rehabilitation, information, shopping, and it is also a traffic junction, a meeting point and a celebration place simultaneously which is being used day and night.” (Ipek YUREKLI, December 2010) The fact that these areas are used outside of their service should tell us a lot. For example, Let's take a look at the area where the Canal Project is planned to be realized in Küçükçekmece in today's Istanbul. The area, which is covered with a soil structure that is not suitable for construction, is actually home to many faunas and flora. This region, which we can consider as the continuation of the northern forests of Istanbul, is a region where endemic plants are also present. In addition, it is a region that is a stop for bird migrations. Küçükçekmece Lake is the residence of many aquatic creatures. Now if you say that you can puncture that place and then re-establish the cycle there, it would be a very tragicomic situation. An unnatural act done there will seriously damage the cycle of the rate. It should not be forgotten that the creatures living in the area also form the community of the area. All living things cycle with each other on earth. This imbalance is a big problem at work. In addition, of course, the activities of the people living in the area, their economic activities, and their relationship with education should also be taken into consideration.
Last but not least, decision mechanisms may be the thing that limits you most when designing a region. It is clear that there must be certain rules and the design process must work within the framework of the rules. Clarity in legal processes and changing rules and conditions from person to person are still one of the biggest problems in today's Turkey. We can say that this situation is caused by the capitalist order in which we live and increasing day by day. “According to Lefebvre, abstract is the production of the "technocratic architect". between the space and the mental and physical/social space where daily life takes place. the gap is widening. Abstract object of space, quantitative manipulations where the role of architects and planners became ideologically emptied. Lefebvre noted that it was reduced to the presentation of spaces; capitalist urban space It is precisely what has been underlined above when making a comprehensive critique of production processes. points to the disciplinary content gap. This is what Lefebvre problematized in the 1970s. It can be said that the situation continues to be valid by getting deeper and deeper today. It critical framework in spatial production processes dominated by central power. fragmentation, segregation and disintegration question their tendencies. Capitalism with the production of abstract space. by establishing parallelism between the domination of the space, mobility, uniformization, commodification through segregation (mobilization, homogenization, segregation) (commodification) criticizes. In this context, urban space is under the control of capital. A comprehensive critical review by theorists dealing with the commodification of framework can be mentioned.” (DENEÇ, OCAK 2013)
In conclusion, definitive characteristics of Istanbul are also applicable to its poorly organized open public spaces, in particular for its public squares used around the clock by a large number of people. Therefore, we should care about designing public spaces as much as designing large concrete masses. The most important problems in Istanbul in today's Turkey are the designs that do not put the society in the foreground, the projects that ignore the urban conditions (with insufficient analysis), and the gaps in the law.